Infarm - Indoor Urban Farming GmbH
Glogauerstr. 6
D-10999 Berlin, Germanyinfo[at]
IL Innovationslabor GmbH
Friedrichstr. 55
D-10117 Berlin, Germany
Alexander Piutti
Friedrichstr. 135
D-10117 Berlin, Germany
March 9th, 2018 - Berlin - InFarm receives a seven-digit grant from the business development bank of the Federal Land of Berlin (IBB). Directing founders and companies in the commercial industries, the grant is intended to allow for a higher competitive advantage. Utilizing the public investment, In-Farm will extend its disruptive indoor Vertical Farming facilities for further sales expansion.
InFarm - Indoor Urban Farming GmbH, based in Berlin-Kreuzberg, was founded in 2013 in Berlin. The company offers “Farming as a Service” by developing and operating scalable Smart Vertical Farm-Modules for its clients based on a monthly fee.
Their products are designed to make the production of agricultural crops more environmentally friendly, efficient, cost-effective and sustainable. InFarm designs and constructs vertical farms using a variety of technologies such as farm control software, sensor technology, plant-friendly lighting, aero- and hydroponic systems as well as design techniques for vertical farms.
By operating their modular farming systems that yield highly nutritious and organic (pesti-cide-free) products in strategic centers of consumption, InFarm is leading the way in the ur-ban farming space. The modular vertical farming units are deployed in supermarkets, restaurants, hotels and other areas where demand is prevalent.
InFarm has the ambition to revolutionize the food supply chain by offering locally grown, pesticide free plants and is on a mission to help cities become self-sufficient in their food production. For that goal they aim to expand their disruptive, transparent and dynamic food system to foreign markets such as London, Copenhagen and Paris in the near future.
Regarding InFarm as a multi-award-winning technology company, Alexander Piutti says that he “was happy to connect the dots once more and is glad to see that innovative start-ups such as InFarm get additional fire power, to expand and scale their venture.”